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How can I be recognized for attending a Relational Leadership Institute?

Relational Leadership is an emerging approach to leadership and professional development. Relational Leadership Institute alumni receive a certificate of completion, and can consult with Relational Leadership @ Carolina team members on how best to list Relational Leadership on their resumes and CVs. Relational Leadership @ Carolina is eager to partner with collaborating organizations on applying for Relational Leadership Institute to be approved for your profession’s continuing education requirement. Furthermore, we offer a Credly badge for Relational Leadership alumni, and a are in the process of developing additional badges for 5Dynamics trainers, Relational Coaches and Facilitators, and a national certification!


What happens after I participate in a Relational Leadership Institute?

After completing a Relational Leadership Institute, you are invited to attend our booster sessions and other community events. Booster sessions are an opportunity to meet with other Relational Leadership Institute alumni, and to practice Relational Leadership skills while engaging in interactive learning about Relational Leadership topics. You are also invited to consult with Relational Leadership @ Carolina team members on implementing Relational Leadership practices in your workplace. You are welcome to attend social gatherings on the UNC campus, in the surrounding community, and even nationally! Most importantly, you are invited to join our Leadership Pathway.


What is the Leadership Pathway?

Relational Leadership @ Carolina owes its success to Relational Leaders: people who have gone through our Relational Leadership Institute, and who have returned to help deliver programming for others in our community. Joining the Leadership Pathway is a terrific way to practice Relational Leadership skills, to gain a deeper understanding of the Relational Leadership framework, and to meet other Relational Leaders who are changing the culture of healthcare and higher education!


How do I get involved?

After completing a Relational Leadership Institute, you are invited to help facilitate small groups in other programs, including brief workshops or future Relational Leadership Institutes. You may also be interested in becoming a content trainer, presenting on topics from the Relational Leadership curriculum. You will receive training and support from Relational Leadership @ Carolina team members, as well as from national Relational Leadership content experts.