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2025 Cost Information:

In our efforts to make Relational Leadership programming accessible to everyone in the UNC community, Relational Leadership @ Carolina will offer 10 seats in our in-person Spring and 10 seats in our in-person Fall 2025 Relational Leadership Institute Symposium cohort for $1500 per seat to UNC community members whose sponsoring units are unable to support the regular registration fee of $2750.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Josh Hinson ( with the following:

  • A document from your supervisor confirming that you will be able to attend all four dates, and that your time will be protected during those dates so that you can attend the whole session (i.e., reasonable assurance that you will not be called away during any portion of the session for clinical, teaching, or other duties).
  • A brief statement of your interest in attending a Relational Leadership Institute: How do you hope that the Relational Leadership Institute will contribute to your professional development? What opportunities to implement relational practices do you anticipate having in your current work teams?

Furthermore, we will offer all seats in our Summer 2025 Relational Leadership Institute Symposium on Zoom for $750 per participant.

General Cost Information:

RLI Symposium Cost Information:

Each seat in our in-person, four-day program costs approximately $2,750 to provide. Seats in our Summer Relational Leadership Institute Symposiums on Zoom are available for $750 per participant.

RLI Weekly Series Cost Information:

We will offer all seats in our Fall 2025 Relational Leadership Institute Weekly Series for $750 per participant. This cost includes registration in all 15 sessions.

Sliding Scale Philosophy:

Relational Leadership @ Carolina is committed to maintaining a fee structure that balances access for all with financial sustainability for the program. Registration fees cover operational costs, including the 5 Dynamics assessment for each participant, curriculum development, program administration, and program assessment. In addition, all RLI alumni become members of a growing RL@C community, including benefits such as Booster Sessions on topics identified by RL alumni, community networking, and Leadership Pathway professional development. We offer registration fees in a sliding scale to encourage participation from across the professional and generational spectrum.

Employee Forum Professional Development Grants

Full or part-time permanent UNC-Chapel Hill non-faculty employees are eligible to apply for professional development grants of up to $500 through the UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum. More information about this opportunity is available on their website.

If you have concerns or questions about the course cost or your ability to attend due to financial limitations, please reach out to us at